Two sites – all options.
What are two sites of KÖTTER Consulting Engineers in comparison with the more than 190 countries and in excess of 100 million cities in this world? It’s all you really need. We can reach nearly any deployment site from our current sites in Rheine and Berlin. For planned deployments or in the scope of global troubleshooting. Even complex entry provisions for some countries will not keep us from travelling to you. Our internationally experienced employees have already travelled to many of the more than 190 countries before.
Rheine site
KÖTTER Consulting Engineers GmbH & Co. KG
Bonifatiusstraße 400
48432 Rheine
Telephone: +49 5971 9710-0
Telefax: +49 5971 9710-43
Berlin site
KÖTTER Consulting Engineers Berlin GmbH
Balzerstraße 43
12683 Berlin
Telephone: +49 30 526788-0
Telefax: +49 30 5436016